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Città giardino

"Universal Cities for all” 

UniverCities is a no-profit association focused on bridging the gap between research and market in the urban and built environment landscape.


VISION: UniverCities aims to be a global hub to encompass cross-cutting knowledge and professional skills, with diversity and social inclusion serving as the driving forces behind the change to solve environmental and climate challenges.  



MISSION: UniverCities’ mission is to accelerate the transition of innovative ideas into inclusive sustainable actions and solutions related to the global urban and built environment  issues. This mission includes a strong emphasis on embracing fully representative data, diverse knowledge and cultural perspectives, sustainable business models, inclusive design, and just policies.


The ecosystem promoted by UniverCities

is based on 4 integrated work areas:

Bandiere dell'orgoglio

Gender Diversity & Inclusion in Urban Planning

Urban planning and building design have long responded to existing users, rather than creating opportunities for entirely new behaviours, this means design cities and spaces has never been gender neutral, neither minority friendly.

UniverCities leverages its team of (mostly) women, and its very diverse network to support cities in creating healthy, safe, and inclusive living environments for everyone in a fair way.


Urbano del traffico

Inclusive Urban Data

The existing bias in data is often un unspoken territory. Data sets, data frameworks, Big Data in the modern world are the hidden places where inequality still resides.

Data not only describes the world, but it is used to shape it. 


This is the reason why the approach to data management within UniverCities is always considered the first step to inclusive solutions.


Diverse and Inclusive Citizen Engagement

The social environmental and economic costs of inequity in the built environment and cities are at a critical point.


UniverCities works closely with cities to bring theory into action and to ensure that co design processes are effectively inclusive, and all voices can have a platform to be heard. 

Muro verde

Environmental Friendly Building Design

Eco-friendly buildings and construction techniques have taken center stage as a trend that is here to stay. From sustainable home builds to commercial developments, eco-friendly buildings are becoming the norm. An eco-friendly building is a building that uses fewer natural resources and produces fewer emissions and waste. Some green buildings even create a positive impact on the environment around them and contribute to improving the global climate.


Click on the box to learn more on our sustainability projects 


Scroll to learn about our company’s journey


The Foundation

UniverCities was founded as a continuation of the European funded-project Use Efficiency.
Its associate members are European universities and international stakeholders.



UniverCities leads DivAirCity, a project that shifts the urban
paradigm by valuing human
diversity as a resource to define new services/models towards cultural-driven green cities. The project focuses on the nexus between people, places, peace, economic growth, and its impact on air quality and decarbonisation.



It aims at introducing a paradigm shift in the way the actual conventional energy audits are performed, with their focus on medium-term
investment plans and
quantified energy savings.


Use Efficiency 

Intelligent Energy Europe Project

Use Efficiency IEE is the project from which the current UniverCities Association was founded in 2012.


Chi vuol essere sostenibile?



A new European project on ecological transition is about to start and we are happy to make our contribution.


Cities of Equality

UniverCities was selected to take part in the Thematic Partnership by the European Urban Initiative, the European Commission and its Member States on Cities of Equality of the Urban Agenda for the EU.


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Are you interested in creating cities and buildings fit-for-all? 

Discover our membership programmes!

Our Founders

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